Chimney Terms That You Should Know

by | Aug 28, 2020 | Chimney Tips, Fireplace Tips | 0 comments

A nice warm burning fireplace

When conversing with an expert in any field can be scary particularly if you do not comprehend the phrasing being utilized. Your chimney and fireplace framework comprises of various segments that cooperate to give you warm and comfortable fires. There are a wide range of words or terms that chimney sweeps frequently use and When something goes wrong with your chimney, it is especially useful to know the names of those components. There are a couple of key terms that may be talked about. Look at the most significant chimney/fireplace terms beneath!

  • Ash – The white/grey powdery buildup left when flammable material is completely scorched or is oxidized by compound methods.
  • Ash Dump – An opening at the base of the chimney through which ashes may be dumped.
  • Ash Pit – Storage for ashes, situated in the fireplace base
  • B Vent – factory-built, double wall metal pipe for venting gas apparatuses with draft hoods and different appliances listed for use with Type B Gas Vent.
  • Blower – An electric, motor driven fan used to circulate air at an increased pace and velocity through the fireplace convection air chamber.
  • Carbon Monoxide – A scentless, colorless, tasteless toxic gas that is a result of fragmented ignition.
  • Chase – Casing around metal pipe pipes, to mimic a Chimney. The chase is typically worked with wood or steel studs. Most normal exterior covering is lathe and stucco. Different varieties incorporate block/stone facade or wood siding.
  • Chimney – Pathways that are vertical or about so for passing on flue gases from the appliance to the external air.
  • Chimney Cap – Protective covering or lodging for the top of a chimney expected for preventing the entry of rain, snow, animals, etc.
  • Chimney Liner – The internal segment of the chimney that contains the results of burning. It tends to be made of clay tiles or of metal. For flues to be workable, they should stay intact, free from holes, splits or harm of any sort that could permit the results of burning to go into the living spaces of the home, or the warmth from the results of ignition to jeopardize flammable materials close to the pipe, for example, encircling, dividers, roofs, protection, or floors.
  • CO-Axial Direct Vent – A Direct Vent framework comprising of a length of fixed, exhaust pipe inside an equivalent length of a bigger breadth burning air pipe. Fundamentally a channel inside another funnel – focus is exhaust and the external region is outside air.
  • CO-Linear Direct Vent – A Direct Vent framework comprising of two separate funnels of a similar width. One funnel for exhaust and the other for ignition air.
  • Corbel – Units of stonework projecting from upward and outward from the essence of a divider or chimney in courses to shape a help or edge for a shaft, crossbeam, or other part.
  • Creosote – Buildup of wood burning’s that comprise mainly of tar.
  • Cricket – (referred to as a Saddle) A ridge that reaches out from the rear of the chimney to the incline of the rooftop, to shed water away from where the roof and chimney connects.
  • Crown – The slight slant or sloped edge on the top surface of a chimney intended to redirect water away from the pipe liner.
  • Damper – A valve, generally a portable or retractable plate, for controlling the progression of air or smoke.
  • Direct Vent – Strategy for venting apparatus whereby all air for burning is gotten straightforwardly from the outside air and all pipe gases are released legitimately to the external environment.
  • Firebox – The innermost compartment of a fireplace designed to support the combustion of fuel.
  • Flashing – Sheet metal or different materials utilized in waterproofing rooftop valleys or the edge between a fireplace and a rooftop.
  • Flue Liner – is the vertical passageway that transports the waste gas to the outdoors.
  • NFPA – National Fire Protection Association – an International Codes and Standards Organization.
  • Pellets – are bio-fuels made from compressed organic matter or biomass.
  • Pyrolysis – thermal decomposition of materials at elevated temperatures in an inert atmosphere.
  • Smoke Chamber – Chamber in a chimney directly above the smoke shelf and reaching out to the base of the flue.
  • Smoke Shelf – Shelf that prevent downdrafts form the outside from interfering with updrafts carrying smoke and gases.
  • Soot – a black, carbonaceous substance produced during incomplete combustion of coal, wood, oil, etc., rising in fine particles and adhering to the sides of the chimney or pipe conveying the smoke: also conveyed in the atmosphere to other locations.
  • Thimble – Fixed or removable ring, cylinder, or coating generally situated destitute where the chimney connector goes through a divider and enters a fireplace or vent.
  • Vent – A consistent entry from the flue collar to the draft hood. flue gas temperatures at the outlet do not surpass 600 degrees.
  • Video Scan – Fusing a shut circuit camcorder and screen, for reviewing the inside of pipes and other difficult to reach zones. This gives a definite piece of the assessment cycle.

Source: Sootmaster

Written by Technical Sootmaster

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