Do You Have Hurricane Sally Damage?

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Hurricane Tips | 0 comments

Hurricane Sally in the Gulf Coast.

We all know the damages leftover from hurricanes and flooding. Tropical storms and hurricanes bring high winds that can tear up chimney flashing, chimney caps, and chimney crowns and influence the bricks to chip. While stacks are normally sufficiently able to withstand the awful climate, they additionally have higher exposure to them. Strong winds joined with a hefty downpour, and debris made both surface and basic harm to structures including rooftops and chimneys.

Along with bringing down trees and powerlines, strong storms often damage chimneys. Sitting at the top of the roof, the chimney is especially vulnerable to damage from heavy rain and high winds. We have even seen chimneys that were struck by lightning. The severe wind combined with the saturated ground can cause a chimney to rotate away from a building where the chimney and roof meet.

After a storm has passed, you may not be sure whether the stack needs to be fixed or not. In the event that you haven’t had a chimney inspection in about a year or more, having an assessment after a storm is a smart thought; and it will give you true peace of mind knowing your chimney is safe to burn. Sometimes, regardless of sooner or later, you can see indications of harm. Since certain kinds of fireplace harm are at first covered up, there is some of the time postponed proof of tempest harm.

Here are some potential indications of damage brought on by a storm:

  • The cap or chase cover is harmed or becomes removed.
  • Watermarks create around the chimney or on roofs, including the storage room roof.
  • White, powdery stains, or different sorts of staining, known as efflorescence, show up on the stack outside.

After the storm Regardless of whether there’s no noticeable outside harm, it’s fundamental to have a review of the stack to guarantee there are no inward splits that could permit toxic gasses, (for example, CO2) to be delivered into your home rather than up the smokestack. We believe there is a large number of homeowners who are still uninformed about the fire/carbon monoxide hazards that can arise from using a fireplace that has been flooded or has been exposed to water, or from damage caused by significant winds. A level 2 assessment incorporates a visual review of all open territories of the fireplace, just as an investigation by means of video hardware of the inside of the pipe liner(s) inside the chimney.

Our experts at Fireplace Doctors can inspect your fireplace and chimney and help repair and maintain your fireplace to keep you and your house safe from fires and water damage. Let us keep you safe and able to enjoy cozy nights by the fire. Contact us today to set up your appointment.

Written by Technical Sootmaster

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