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The basic home fireplace and chimney can be a very simplistic part of your house. And while we may use the fireplace to keep our homes warm during the cold winter months, a fireplace and chimney can also be a somewhat complicated part of your home as well.

Smoke chamber reclamation can be an exceptionally included activity, requiring the removal of bricks and the damper frame, and the hand-use of refractory cement to the whole region to smooth and secure it. A smooth surface permits gas to go through the smoke chamber into the vent, without their stream being hampered by spiked drops.

This is where Smoketite comes in, what is Smoketite you ask? Presented in the late spring of 2002, Smoketite is another exceptionally insulative product that is showered on smoke chambers fixing openings and holes making a covering that is impenetrable to acids, fumes, and water and it’s acceptable to 2291 degrees Fahrenheit with a lifetime guarantee on the product. Not only is it simpler than different choices, but it is also additionally lightweight and compact enough to be on each clear sweep service truck. This is particularly useful for specialists introducing ss linings and chimneys on the grounds that the Smoketite permits them to seal the base end and the total smoke chamber in one basic operation.

After establishment, you have a stack that is shielded from the firebox up, not simply from the base of the pipe liner up. Basically, everything means a more grounded smoke chamber, a more proficient smokestack, better insurance against fireplace fire perils, and a more drawn out in general stack administration life.

Contact Us!

Our chimney contractors strive to get the job done right the first time, as we value our reputation as leaders in our industry. We are trained to provide humane animal removal. We can handle raccoons, birds, squirrels, and more. Our staff can repair chimney caps and dampers and solve your chimney odor problems. We service prefabricated, metal, and masonry chimneys, along with wood and prefab fireplaces. We can also handle all types of fireplace inserts and stoves.

So if you have any fireplace, chimney, hearth, or dryer ventilation needs, please feel free to call us here at The Fireplace Doctor, where quality and service go hand in hand.

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