Technical Sootmaster

Posts by Technical

What are the benefits of professional chimney sweeping?

What are the benefits of professional chimney sweeping? Professional chimney sweeping is a vital maintenance practice that offers numerous advantages. It is performed by trained experts who thoroughly clean and inspect chimneys to remove creosote buildup, debris, and...

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Signs of chimney blockage

Signs of chimney blockage Signs of Chimney Blockage: Identifying and Addressing Common Indicators A chimney blockage is a potential safety hazard that can hinder proper ventilation and lead to a range of issues. Detecting signs of chimney blockage is crucial to...

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How to start a fire in your fireplace?

How to start a fire in your fireplace? Gather Supplies: Collect dry, seasoned firewood, newspaper, and kindling. Open Damper: Ensure the damper is open to allow proper airflow. Prepare Grate: Place the fire grate inside the fireplace. Create Base: Crumple newspaper...

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