Technical Sootmaster

Posts by Technical

What kind of chimney or fireplace do I have?

What kind of chimney or fireplace do I have?

What kind of chimney or fireplace do I have? Have you ever asked yourself that question? We prepared a short guide for you! Types of Chimneys and Fireplaces: Masonry Chimney: A masonry chimney is a traditional and sturdy structure built using bricks, stones, or...

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How to clean a fireplace?

How to clean a fireplace? Cleaning a fireplace involves several steps to ensure a thorough and safe process. First, gather necessary supplies like a stiff-bristle brush, ash shovel, and protective gear. Once the fireplace is cool, remove debris and ashes, then use a...

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What is chimney sweeping

What is chimney sweeping? Chimney sweeping is a vital maintenance procedure aimed at removing accumulated soot, creosote, debris, and potential blockages from the interior of a chimney. This process not only enhances the chimney's efficiency but also reduces the risk...

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