What is a Chase Cover

What is a Chase Cover

A chimney chase cover, also known as a chase pan, is a metal covering that sits on top of a chimney chase, which is the exterior portion of a chimney that runs from the roofline to the top of the chimney. The primary function of a chimney chase cover is to protect the...
Buying a Home with a Chimney? Read This!

Buying a Home with a Chimney? Read This!

You May Need a Chimney Inspection! When buying a house with a fireplace many times banks will ask to have the fireplace inspected. Most inspections are done by a home inspector, however, when it comes to fireplaces, home inspectors are not fully trained and only look...
Chimney Variation and Construction

Chimney Variation and Construction

There are many types of chimneys that I have yet to talk about and their differences. Three of which people may typically think of when thinking of fireplace, masonry chimneys, metal chimneys, and prefabricated chimneys. However, stove chimneys are their breed, and...