Firewood Storage
When it comes to storing firewood, airflow is the key to keeping it from rotting. Everything Is so expensive these days and that goes for firewood as well, you don’t want to waste any since it is costly to replace. This article will give you information on how to store it properly for the best scenario of keeping it preserved. Your firewood mustn’t lay on the ground, so first, you will need a place that is high and dry, in the sun, and placed on some sort of platform, whether it be pallets, gardening stones, or logs, basically, anything that will lift it off the ground. It is not recommended to stack it in the shade or any damp areas in your yard.

There are a couple of methods of stacking it but no matter how you stack it, you must make sure that it has proper airflow. One method is in a linear stack or a straight line. Do not stack it against your house as it can attract wildlife such as bugs, mice and rats, and snakes that like to eat mice or rats. Having such close access to your home, you may end up with them inside and not just outside in the wood pile. It’s also a fire hazard, and it would be best to have it far from your house. Firewood can be stacked between two trees to help steady it. Or you can place poles in the ground to keep the pile steady, so it doesn’t topple over. In a line stack, the first row with the cut end out and the bark to the right or left, not on the bottom as the bark will help hold moisture. Once you have made a row, it is time to begin a second row, the firewood will now be stacked across the wood on the bottom so that the cut ends are on the side and the bark is facing the outside of the pile, this will form a criss-cross pattern and will allow ample airflow through the layers. Continue his pattern until all firewood is piled. A tarp may be placed over the pile to help keep water out, but must be laid over and not cover the sides of the pile so as not to restrict airflow. Anchor the tarp without pulling it tight across the pile. The second method is to stack it in a round, or a radius pattern. Begin by drawing an 8 to 10-foot circle. Place the cut end of each log on the circle’s edge to make the bottom layer, be sure to keep the bark to the side and not at the bottom. Continue stacking layers around the circle throwing the odd pieces in the middle. Make the last layer of the circle at an angle to help drain water off the stack and place the last layer bark side up. You may cover the center of the pile with wood angled as well and the bark side up. You may cover the pile with a 12-foot tarp to help keep the rain from soaking in but do not cover the sides of the pile as it will restrict airflow and airflow is the key to well-seasoned wood. Either of these methods should keep your firewood good until the next burning season.