Helpful Fireplace and Chimney Articles, Tips and Information
Why You Should Be Thinking About Your Fireplace During the Summer
Oftentimes people don't think about their chimneys and fireplaces until it starts to get cold enough outside to use them. People tend to forget that their Chimneys are deteriorating every single day and not only when they are in use. Nobody wants to wait till it's...
What Happens if You Don’t Clean Your Fireplace?
Example of a poorly kept fireplace and chimney with large amounts of creosote build-up!Dangers of a Dirty Fireplace When your chimney is not cleaned for a long time, a substance called creosote will build up in the flue during the use of the fireplace. This creosote...
Buying a Home with a Chimney? Read This!
You May Need a Chimney Inspection! When buying a house with a fireplace many times banks will ask to have the fireplace inspected. Most inspections are done by a home inspector, however, when it comes to fireplaces, home inspectors are not fully trained and only look...
What to Expect from a Sweep from Fireplace Doctor
How Long Will it Take? Depending on how many floors you have, how big your fireplace is, and how dirty it may be, as well as how prepared the area is will depend on how long the process will take. A sweep could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours. When your...
Even Your Chimney Should be Included in Your Spring Cleaning!
Example of creosote build-upImportance of Having Your Chimney Swept in Spring Having Your chimney swept at the end of the burning season, rather than waiting until fall, will give you plenty of time to address and repair any problems your chimney may have. Most...
Do You Know How to Properly Store Firewood?
Firewood Storage When it comes to storing firewood, airflow is the key to keeping it from rotting. Everything Is so expensive these days and that goes for firewood as well, you don’t want to waste any since it is costly to replace. This article will give you...
Got Water Damage? Give the Fireplace Doctor a Call Today!
This may be a sign that water might be getting into your chimney - then into your living room!Water leaks from your chimney are one of the most destructive problems a chimney can have. Some leaks may be covered by your insurance, but not all. Homeowner’s insurance...
Chimney Variation and Construction
There are many types of chimneys that I have yet to talk about and their differences. Three of which people may typically think of when thinking of fireplace, masonry chimneys, metal chimneys, and prefabricated chimneys. However, stove chimneys are their breed, and...
Summer Tips: Prepare for Major Storms
The 2021 Hurricane Season is officially here. And when a major storms hits your area, you may encounter some structural damage in your home, including to your chimney. While chimneys are normally able to withstand the elements, they are not indestructible. The fierce...
Tips For The Upcoming 2021 Hurricane Season
Hurricane season starts on July 1 and ends on November 30th. The last few years have been very deadly for Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi areas. Various storms and hurricanes have caused millions of dollars in damages. We have some tips and advice for you...
Proper Fireplace Cleaning Guide
When you think of a fireplace, the image of brick or stonework as the framework and live burning seasoned wood logs in the center. Fireplaces are considered to be part of the home, so why not take care of it as such? You routinely clean your home, so why not clean it...
Common Chimney Cleaning Hacks
Winters can be harsh on chimneys. With spring and summer coming quickly, there should be the thought of cleaning out your chimney and fireplace of the ash and soot. Either you can clean it out yourself, which is time-consuming or you can schedule a professional...